"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Update... kind of
The only "update" I have is dealing with my employment situation. And that is there is no update. We are awaiting word on whether or not we are going to reopen. The attorneys for the franchisee I worked for and the attorneys for the corporate offices are haggling it out with the negotiations and that is preventing us from reopening. A representative from the corporate offices is in town but because of the stall with the negotiations, she cannot legally enter any of the centers nor can she legally speak to any of us. It's like being in limbo but it's scary at the same time. There are some rumors that they may condense the cneters which means they will not need all of the employees. If asked to go back, I will go in order to help the kids but with this being such an uncertain business now, I am actively looking for a new position. I would dearly love to return to the classroom on a full time basis and sometimes positions like that do open up in the middle of the school year.
Right now I am just praying for God's will in all of this... trying to figure out what He wants me to do. It's not easy.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Just when you think things might be looking up...
This past week the owner of my learning center has been acting very strange, saying he was sick and unavailable and then showing up asking for all kinds of last minute reports on Wednesday. On Thursday he calls to say that we are changing payroll companies and he wants us to fax him payroll through that day so he can send it to the company he is letting go and have them process one final paycheck run before the new company takes over.
I got up this morning and went into work to get the biggest bombshell of all. He dissolved the company yesterday and we are all out of a job. We will be paid through Thursday and that is it. And I just went to training in September!!!! The corporate offices are going to be coming into town this week to take a look at everything and see what can be done. The possibilities at this point are that they will take over or another franchisee will buy our centers. But it is all up in the air at this point in time. So come Monday morning I am back to being a substitute teacher........
I just want this nightmare to end, I can't take it!!!!!!! This is the second time in 2 years I have been faced with the possibility of no income. I am too old for this.
Pray please........
Monday, October 20, 2008
Too funny!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I am just reflecting on the fact that I am officially another year older, another year past the 40 mark, and have no idea at this point if I will ever be a Mom. I am happy for my cousin who had her second little girl in August, I am happy for another cousin (sister of the first one) who is expecting her 3rd boy in January, but I wish something like that was happening for me.
Oh, and I am excited for Shannon, who just received her referral very unexpectedly in the middle of the month, congratulations again!!
I hope that the news is much better by this time next year!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Trip to NJ & NYC
Anyway, here are some photos from the trip.

NYPD welcomes you to Times Square!!

This ad was actually on the outside of Toys be Us in Times Square. And I do heart Ugly Betty!! This Toys be Us was quite amazing... there was a 4 story ferris wheel inside the store and the cars each represent a child's favorite toy.

Radio City Music Hall!! I didn't go inside. My AD's aunt was actually a Rockette for 14 years!!

It really is the world's largest store, at least in my opinion!! 9 floors and a cellar. They had their Christmas floor in the works... on the 9th floor. The 7th floor is the children's clothing and there is a full service McDonald's on that floor!! We ate at a very neat place in the cellar, and I had the best NY cheesecake for dessert.

Me inside Macy's... the home furnishings floor.
Rockefeller Center. And I got really dizzy leaning way back and looking up to take this shot!!
Pretty self explanatory... this is where the famous tree is placed every year!!
NBC News studio... where they film the Today Show every morning. See the marquee? We saw those all over Times Square!
The weekend in NYC was great, but very very tiring!! I don't think I have ever walked so much in my entire life. I have great respect for the people who live there and have to walk everywhere just because of the sheer volume of traffic and the cost to keep a car in the city.