This weekend I finally received a package I had been waiting for... I have bought a book from called "Adopting On Your Own: The Complete Guide to Adoption for Single Parents." I haven't had time to really start reading it but at first glance it looks as though it will have a lot of good information for me. Thanks to Mary for posting it on her blog in the list of books she has read! I also have an adoption handbook that my sister has lent to me. She has an 8 year old son they adopted domestically but the book does have a section on international adoption as well.
Now the reason why I didn't have time to read that book this weekend is because I was so busy!! I had to work on Saturday, then I went big time shopping in the afternoon. I haven't been able to sleep really well in a long time so decided it was time to finally do something about it. Since I can get a better night's sleep when I'm not actually sleeping in my bed it didn't take long to figure out that the bed was the culprit. Waking up stiff and sore every day was a big clue. So Saturday I got a nice new mattress set from a store called The Dump... it's an interesting place with lots of great deals on furniture! I didn't see the actual bed I wanted there so after bringing home the mattress set, thanks to my brother-in-law, and having dinner with my sister, brother-in-law, and the kids, I went to Value City Furniture where I bought a beautiful new bed that I will pick up next Saturday! Then it was off to Sears for a new comforter and sheets, and new pillows too. They were having a great sale. So it turned out to be the best weekend to buy all of this, the bed was on sale too. Sunday I had a few more errands to run, then I came home to do laundry and rearrange my living room. By the time I finish straightening out my bedroom next weekend (I'm going to rearrange it too), I think I'll be exhausted.
Here's the new bed I bought, not the same mattress set of course, but it will be so pretty!

Love the bed! There is a Value City
Furniture near me and I have always wondered what kind of items they have. I'll have to go check them out!
whew!! I'm already exhausted just hearing about all you've been up to:) It sounds like you had fun shopping! I love shopping, so I completely understand your state or euphoria right now:) haha! The bed is awesome! Hope you get some good rest soon!
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