Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Seasons of Change

"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)

Lately, this verse has been playing such a major role in my life. There are so many seasons to ones life.

So why is this verse playing such a major role in my life? I am going through a season of change. You will recall in October when the previous franchise owner of my company abruptly closed our doors. Then within two weeks, our parent company had secured a new franchise owner and we were again open for business. That was a very tough time. Although I was only out of work for 2 weeks, I was never able to collect any unemployment and then was rehired at a low hourly rate at first. The even tougher time was the fallout from the parents of the various students we provided services for. I had to deal with a lot of that fallout as the Center Director but since I had established a very good relationship with the parents it went pretty well. We did have our angry parents but I took that with a grain of salt. The point is I cared enough to appease the parents to let them know that we were going to stay in business and take care of the agreements we had entered into with them under the previous franchise. Maybe I cared too much... I don't know.

My new season of change is that I have again fallen victim to this recessional economy we are living in. On March 31st, I was laid off yet again. Twice in 5 months is two times too many in my book. The company is still open, the decision was simply made that my job could be handled for a while in a different fashion since we weren't bringing in the amount of money our goals required. I have no idea what the budget was to keep the center running, I was not privy to that information... although I should have been. Nothing I can do about that now.

So I'm looking again... OK, I've really been looking since January. I am currently in the running for 3 different positions and am at different points in the interview process for all three. I am praying hard that one of these works out.

Seasons of change.... I am hoping and praying that this new season of change has not completely dashed my adoption plans. How can I even begin the adoption process without a steady source of employment? I always knew I wasn't going to stay with the small business... the benefits just weren't there. I just didn't think, plan, or know that this was going to happen.


Mandy said...

I'm so sorry, Karen! All I can think is that this is God's way of moving you on to the next season He has planned for you. I'll be praying for you to find the right opportunity and that your interviews go well! BTW...have you tried Geico? You can fill out an app online. Mention Keith's name if you do. God bless and best of luck!

Shannon said...

Hoping things will change again for the better soon!

Mary said...

Karen, I hope this comment finds you well and you have been able to find a job or even a new career! Think about you often!